So Much Good News…
As we come to the end of 2020, I am pleased to share so much good news. While this has been an unusual year in many ways, it’s also been a good year at BGM as we have seen the faithfulness of God.
Houses Galore…
We have been estimating that we have built 176 houses in Haiti. Last week, I had our staff in Haiti count all the houses and write down the names of the families in each house.
I am thrilled to report that we have built 204 houses in Haiti over the last 9 years! That includes 90 in Thoman and 114 in Galette Chambon. At $5,885 for each house, that is over $1.2 million given by individuals, families, Sunday School classes, churches, and others. That is an incredible sum that has provided not only brand new houses but also jobs for contractors and their employees. What a HUGE blessing!
This year, we have built 25 houses, and we have funds to build 7 more! That’s a total of 32 houses donated in one of the most challenging years anyone can remember! God and His people are so wonderful!

This is the Charles family in Galette Chambon standing in front of their current house. Mr. Charles is 60 and his wife, Ydovia, is 53. Their 20 year old daughter and grandson live with them. This week, they are receiving a brand new house thanks to a generous church in South Mississippi.

A new house recently completed in Thoman. The house will soon
be painted a bright Caribbean color.
So Many Wonderful Things Happening
At this time in Haiti, our clinics are open and treating dozens of people daily, our schools are open with over 1,800 students, our churches are meeting, and houses are being built.
In addition, next week our new Mobile Medical Unit will begin going to 4 villages every week in the mountains of Thoman. There are 7,000 people living in 19 villages that cannot be accessed by car or truck. We will take a 4-wheel all-terrain-vehicle and take medical care and the gospel to these villages. We have a full-time Haitian doctor, Haitian nurse, and Haitian helper who make up the Mobile Medical Team. Nate Grabill, a 4th year medical student at the University of Kansas School of Medicine, is going to Haiti on December 19th to work with our new Haitian medical team and get the mobile clinic going.
In the Mississippi Delta, we are thrilled that our Montessori is still educating children, our new after-school program has begun, the Economic Development Center has been built, and the medical clinic has been refurbished. We should open the clinic in the first quarter of 2021. Also, we are very close to starting construction on the first house.
It’s been so exciting to see God work through BGM in 2020!
Tony and Mickie West Update
Tony and Mickie West, our missionaries to Haiti, have been in the States for over a year due to the unrest in Haiti, COVID-19, and Tony’s cancer treatment. I am fully aware of the work they continue to do every day regarding Haiti, but some people have asked how they are doing and what role they continue to play in Haiti. Mickie recently explained this in a blog post:
“You might ask, what are Tony and I actually doing if we aren’t there in Haiti? Well, every morning, we open our texting app that we use to communicate with our staff, and we usually find anywhere from five to ten messages from various people there in our village. Usually, by 9:00 in the morning, Tony and I have both had conversations with Vladimir, Joel, Didier, and Moliere and sometimes Dino.
Joel and I coordinate sponsorship efforts every, single day. He gets names of kids who need sponsorship or updates and he gets those names to the school. The school sends the kids to see him at Hope Center. He interviews them, measures them, takes their picture, and then he sends all of that to me so that I can put it all on the website and/or communicate with sponsors.
Moliere and I make plans for the schools, discuss policies and procedures, future plans, budgeting, curriculum, student needs, facility needs, etc. Didier gets advice on clinic needs and patient advocacy. Didier and I coordinate efforts with other medical connections in Haiti that we have made over the years, and we get our patients to the hospitals and doctors that they need for specialized care.
Vladimir and Tony or I talk almost daily about maintenance needs at Hope Center, inventories, and financial reports. It’s an ongoing effort, and it’s amazing to see it all happening!”
As you can see, Tony and Mickie are still very much involved in giving leadership and vision to our work in Galette Chambon, Haiti. They are busy every day coordinating our efforts there.
For the complete update on Tony and Mickie, click
HERE to read her latest blog post.

New Book
Don’t forget to get your copy of my new book. Part of the proceeds will go to BGM and our work in Haiti and the Mississippi Delta. Plus, it makes for a great Christmas gift!
You can order the book in three ways:
2. Send a check for $15 plus $3 shipping to:
Stan Buckley
100 Coventry Cove
Madison, MS 39110
3. Come by the BGM office at 404 Fontaine Place, Suite 104, Ridgeland, MS; Monday – Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
He is Alive
At the funeral last week for Terry Warren (our first missionary to Thoman, Haiti), Pastor Mathurin spoke about his love for Terry and the great impact Terry had in Thoman.
Pastor Mathurin said, “Terry Warren is alive. Jesus said in John 11:25-26, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.'”
Pastor Mathurin concluded by saying, “In the days ahead, when you bring teams to Haiti, Terry is still alive. When people continue to receive medical care, Terry is still alive. When more and more children are sponsored and receive an education every day, Terry is still alive. When people are happy to receive a new house, Terry is still alive.”
Pastor Mathurin concluded, “You who are crying, I know it’s sad to separate from him, but I can tell you to be courageous. We are going to see him again one day.”
As you know, all of this work takes a great deal of resources. If you are in a position to give, you can give a gift online
HERE or send a check to: But God Ministries, 404 Fontaine Place, Suite 104, Ridgeland, MS, 39157.
Also, if you want your gift to count in 2020 for tax purposes, please make sure it is postmarked by December 31, 2020.
In addition, I ask for your prayers for wisdom and energy for our Haitian staff, our Delta staff, our American staff in Haiti and the U.S., and our Board of Directors.
Can’t Wait To See What God Does Next,
Stan Buckley
Executive Director