Quick Facts:
- According to this report from World Bank, the Haiti infant mortality rate in 2015 is 52 per 1,000 live births This is the highest rate in the Western Hemisphere.
- According to this report from World Bank, the Haiti pregnancy-related maternal mortality rate is 359 per 100,000 live births This is the highest rate in the Western Hemisphere.
- According to this report from the Mississippi State Department of Health, the Mississippi infant mortality rate in 2014 is 8.2 per 1,000 live births Historically Mississippi, and the Delta region in particular, leads the nation in this statistic.
- According to this report from the Mississippi State Department of Health, the Mississippi pregnancy-related maternal mortality rate average from 2010-2012 was 39.7 deaths per 100,000 live births. Mississippi has one of the highest rates in the US. The greatest number of these cases occurred in the Delta region.
Purpose: To raise $25,000
We will purchase 30 MamaNatalie birthing simulators. Through Laerdal Medical’s Buy One – Gift One program, for each MamaNatalie purchased for use in Mississippi, an additional MamaNatalie is being donated for use in Haiti. These will be used to train and equip professionals so that women and babies have a safe delivery. We will send:
- 30 to Haiti for training midwives
- 30 to Mississippi EMS, rural hospitals, police, etc.

MamaNatalie birthing simulator that comes with NeoNatalie helps create realistic training scenarios.
Click HERE to donate to But God Ministries for this Maternal/Neonatal Mortality project.