Good News…
Do you ever get tired of bad news? Seems like we’ve been hearing a lot about war, inflation, crime, school shootings, and angry political division. That kind of continuous bad news can really get you down.
Would you like to hear some good news? You’ve come to the right place because I’ve got some good news to share. Surprisingly, this good news is coming from a place where there hasn’t been a lot of good news lately. That place is Haiti. That’s right, in the middle of civil unrest, violent gangs, hunger, and hopelessness, I’ve got some good news.
Houses, Houses, and More Houses
Here’s the good news: we are currently building EIGHT houses in Haiti! That’s right, eight! Eight families – moms and dads, brothers and sisters – are having houses built for them even as I type this sentence. Thanks to God’s people, eight families living in deplorable conditions are about to move into brand new houses where they will be safe, where the roof won’t leak, and where they can live with dignity.
In my update in March, I shared the story of a family that was receiving a house at that time. I love the report that our missionary, Mickie West, gave about that family once the new house was completed:
“THIS!!! I cannot tell you how happy my heart is right now. I am in utter TEARS to receive and post these photos. Of course, it is an exciting day as we give a house to any family, but this family is near to my heart. Several years ago, this mama asked her son to help her write a letter to BGM. In this letter she explained that her husband had died a year earlier, and she had to move her children in with her sister-in-law. Four families were living in the small, tin structure seen below. The family told her that the house was too small for them, and they would have to leave. She was BEGGING us to build them a house. The list of families needing a house is long, so it has taken time to finally get to her. Now, not only does she and her children have a home of their own, but they also received a goat through our Goat Sharing program! Isn’t it amazing how God uses so many ministries to touch families? All of this family’s children are sponsored and in school; her son has a goat to care for and therefore potential for income; and now they have a home of their own. God is so good! It’s such a blessing to be part of But God Ministries!!!”

This dear lady standing in front of the tin hut where she and her children have been living with three other families.

The same lady with two of her children in front of their brand-new house
Below are photos of six of the eight families (or their houses) for whom we are building houses this month:

This is the Denis family. They’ve been living in this hut made of mud, sticks, and tin.

A desperately poor family, the Molieres, has been living in this mud hut for a long time. But soon they’ll be moving into a new house!

The Exume family has been living in this house made of sticks and mud.

The husband in this photo is a farmer. The wife also helps to farm. They are Christians who attend the church in Thoman. They have 3 children: one boy who is 7, one girl who is 3, and one 7-month-old boy. The old house where they are currently staying belongs to the parents of the wife.

The husband in this photo is a teacher. The wife is a street vendor. Their baby girl is only two months old. They were forced to leave their home in Croix-de-Bouquets because of the gang violence. They are Christians and they’ve been living in a church office, but not much longer!

The husband and wife in this photo are both farmers. Their baby girl is 6 months old. They go to the church in Thoman. The house where they are currently living belongs to the wife’s parents.
Whenever I think about the wonderful, generous, Christian people who are providing these houses and many more who sponsor children, go on trips, and partner with us in countless ways, a smile comes across my face. A smile appears because I think of people doing exactly what Jesus said when he uttered those famous words:
“I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you visited me.”
May we continue to be obedient to His call to love others as though they were Him.
As you know, all of this work takes a great deal of resources. If you are in a position to give, you can give a gift online
HERE or send a check to: But God Ministries, 118 Homestead Drive, Suite D, Madison, MS, 39110.
Can’t Wait To See What God Does Next,
Stan Buckley
Executive Director