New Book…
It’s here!
My new book has arrived. It’s called “Common Sense Living” and covers subjects we all deal with:
- Work
- Money
- Marriage
- Success
- Parenting
- Purpose
This book is for everyone since I write about money, parenting younger children, parenting adult children, dealing with in-laws, and where to find meaning and purpose in life.
I would also go so far as to say the book is essential for every person in his/her teens and 20’s. If you want to get a good start on life, read this book!
Finally, if you looking for an extra Christmas gift for someone on your list, then look no further. “Common Sense Living” is the perfect gift!
You can get a copy:
- Online HERE
- Mailing $15 plus $3 shipping to: Stan Buckley, 100 Coventry Cove, Madison, MS 39110
- In person at the BGM office at: 118 Homestead Dr., Suite D, Madison, MS, 39110
And remember, a portion of the profit goes to BGM!

Open House
We moved our headquarters earlier this year to a new location. Our new address is: 118 Homestead Drive, Suite D, Madison, MS, 39110.
We would love for you to see where much of the work of BGM takes place. We’re having an open house next Monday, December 6, 2021 from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
We’ll have light refreshments and give you a tour of the office. Also, we have a few items left over from our recent silent auction that you are welcome to take a look at.
The photo below is our new office. We don’t occupy the entire building, just a portion of the downstairs section.
Hope you can make it next Monday!
As you know, all of this work takes a great deal of resources. If you are in a position to give, you can give a gift online HERE or send a check to: But God Ministries, 118 Homestead Drive, Suite D, Madison, MS, 39110.