Big Change…
We are making big changes in the way we address malnutrition in Haiti. As you may recall, Rachel Charpie, our original Director of the Malnutrition Center (“MC”) moved back to the States last year. Our remaining North American nurse, Jaimie Weber, is returning to Canada to attend school this fall to get advanced training for her nursing career. That means we are left with the decision of what to do with the MC.
Several factors have gone into our decision regarding the MC:
- Jaimie’s return to Canada leaving no one to give leadership to our MC
- Love-A-Child has recently built a very large and very nice MC near our MC
- Continuing unrest preventing us from reopening our MC
- Continuing unrest preventing us from taking children to hospitals when their care requires more than we can offer
- Our desire to minister to as many malnourished children as possible
After prayer and deliberation, we will be making the following changes:
- Close our inpatient MC
- Greatly strengthen our outpatient malnutrition program
- Employ two full-time Haitian nurses in our outpatient malnutrition program
- Treat patients 4 days per week at our clinic in Galette Chambon
- Hold monthly screenings in the communities in Galette Chambon
- Weigh, measure, and evaluate each child
- Give vitamins to each child
- Refer those who need additional care to our outpatient program at the clinic at the Hope Center where they can received adequate food, nutrition, and follow-up
- Refer those who need inpatient care to the new Love-A-Child MC
One of our goals is to prevent children from getting so malnourished that they need inpatient care. We strongly believe that by evaluating and treating hundreds of children each month in their own communities, we can greatly reduce incidences of malnutrition.
All of the funds that have been given to our MC will, of course, be used to support our expanded outpatient malnutrition program.
Food for Haiti Update
I am thrilled to report that $87,552 has been donated to BGM to combat increased malnutrition in Haiti. This is an amazing amount in such a short time!
We have already wired $40,000 to Haiti and fed hundreds of families. We will be doing at least two more food distributions this week and then wiring more funds for more distributions next week. As promised, all donations for Food for Haiti will be used to purchase food to feed hungry people. I will keep you updated on Facebook and through this monthly newsletter.

Many, many families were patiently waiting for the food distribution at our
Hope Center in Thoman. The Haitians living in the rural parts of Haiti where we serve are some of the hardest working people I have ever met. They will do back breaking labor for a long period of time to provide for their families. This is a difficult time for them, especially with the drought in Thoman.

Rice, beans, and oil for many hungry Haitians
It’s Coming…
We’ve got a big event coming up and we don’t want you to come. That’s right, we want you to stay home. Literally!
Our 2nd annual Food for Life event has been rescheduled for July 30, 2020 at Broadmoor Baptist Church. This year, due to the coronavirus, the event is going to be a virtual event. It will be on Facebook Live. The best part is you don’t have to dress up and you don’t have to go anywhere. You can enjoy the event from the comfort of your own home. What a deal!
The proceeds this year will go for two things in Haiti and two things in the Mississippi Delta. In Haiti, the proceeds will go for our newly strengthened outpatient Malnutrition Program and our medical clinics. In the Delta, the proceeds will go for our Montessori school and our new After School program for children.
So, here are the details:
- What: 2nd annual Food for Life event
- When: July 30, 2020 at 7:00 p.m.
- Where: Facebook Live on the But God Ministries page
- Why: Food and medical care in Haiti, education in the Miss. Delta
We will also have the online auction like we did last year. It will be available beginning July 23.
Lots of progress…
We recently received funds to build the second new classroom at our elementary school in Galette Chambon. Jacques, our builder, has already started the building process so that the classrooms will be ready when school starts in September. In addition, we received funds to enclose part of the school for a playground.

One of the new classrooms being built
Another New House
We are currently building another new house in the Haitian village of Thoman. Thanks to a generous group in the area of Decatur, MS, a new family is getting a brand new home!

This is the family receiving the new house. The husband is Ilrick Jean and the wife is Rachelle Thelusma Jean. Ilrick is a farmer and Rachelle is a street vendor. They have four children. Two of them had gone to the river when this photo was taken. Their current house, pictured above, had belonged to Ilrick’s grandparents.
Delta Doings
Today, June 9, 2020, is the big day. This is the day that materials for our new 4,000 sq. ft. Economic Development Center are being delivered to the construction site in Jonestown, MS. We are thankful to be working with Mike Rozier Construction Company for the construction of this very important building.
We already have one company ready to move into the new Center when it is complete and we are looking for other companies who are interested in providing jobs in this part of the state where jobs are not plentiful.

This photo was taken this morning, June 9, 2020. Materials are being delivered. Construction has begun!
In addition, I ask for your prayers for wisdom and energy for our Haitian staff, our Delta staff, our American staff in Haiti and the U.S., and our Board of Directors.