Two Big Blessings…
God has tremendously blessed us in two areas that will enable us to move forward with our work in the Mississippi Delta, and we are thrilled to tell you about them.
We have received a grant for housing from the Butler Snow Foundation. Butler Snow is a law firm based in Ridgeland, MS that has hundreds of attorneys in 27 offices around the country as well as offices in London, Singapore, and Hong Kong.
The funds donated by the Butler Snow Foundation will enable us to build our first new house in the Delta. A family that could not otherwise secure a mortgage will be able to have an affordable mortgage in a brand new home. Randy Cress, the general contractor for our Hope Center in the Delta, will be the builder of this home. Commitment, collaboration, and the goodness of God show how we can solve difficult problems in our state.
We have also received a wonderful gift of land. A lawyer and businessman from nearby Clarksdale has donated land adjacent to our Hope Center for BGM to build a 3,000 square-foot Economic Development Center. We have already raised a majority of the funds needed to build the center, which will serve as a space for developing new businesses and attracting already existing businesses. We have one business ready to move in and we are seeking other businesses interested in expanding their work and providing jobs right here in Mississippi. If your business is looking to expand its workforce, we have the perfect place!
We are grateful for the generosity of others, which God multiplies and uses to change many lives for His glory.

The Butler Snow Foundation awarded us a grant which will provide the ability for home ownership in Jonestown.

View from the Hope Center toward the land
where we will build an Economic Development Center

View from the street toward the land
where we will build the center
Buy, Busy, Busy, in Haiti

Lots of smiles at Thoman School as the children arrive for school

Dr. Dasmar consults with a mom and patient at
the Galette Chambon Medical Clinic

A recent food distribution at the Hope Center
in Thoman made possible by many generous supporters

Pepe David, his wife Marie Evena Pierre, and their
new baby girl Hilary Nabieylah. Pepe teaches 5th
grade at BGM Primary School, tutors some of
our sponsor students after school, and assists
with our sponsorship program. Now, he’s a new dad!

Grace Baptist Church of Thoman

Grace Baptist Church of Thoman celebrating four years in this sanctuary

Galette Chambon Hope Center Village
Church will celebrate six years in February.
As you can see, God is using But God Ministries in marvelous ways. Also, as you are aware, it takes a great deal of resources to do what God has called us to do. Would you please consider financially supporting BGM and our work in Haiti and the Miss. Delta? Your gift will go a long way in helping us share the love of Christ in very tangible ways in these challenging places.
You can give a general gift online HERE or send a check to: But God Ministries, 404 Fontaine Place, Suite 104, Ridgeland, MS, 39157.
In addition, I ask for your prayers for wisdom and energy for our Haitian staff, our Delta staff, our American staff in Haiti and the U.S., and our Board of Directors.