Update from Haiti…
I spent last week in Haiti and had a wonderful time meeting with our missionaries, our local leadership team, church leaders, and the Thoman School Board. So many incredible things are happening through BGM in Haiti. Below are just a few of the great things God is doing there.
New Elementary School
Construction is coming along nicely on our brand new elementary school in Galette Chambon. The school is located across the dirt road from our orphanage and just a hundred yards or so from the Hope Center. It will have 9 grades beginning with 3 year old Pre K and going through 6th grade.
Mickie West, one of our missionaries in Haiti, has done a masterful job envisioning the school, raising funds to build it, and bringing the dream to reality.
The community is very excited about this new school. Approximately 240 children have been enrolled. In addition, many jobs are being created for teachers, administrators, cooks, and others. I am thinking of one man who has worked odd jobs for many years and has always wanted a full-time job that pays every month. Now he’s getting one!
The first day of school is September 13. I can’t wait to be there for this important occasion. We will have a special service in our church as we read scripture and thank God for the new school. After comments and instructions, the teachers and students will walk from the church to the their new classrooms at the school. It’s going to be a great day!
Please pray for Jacques, our builder, that he can finish the construction work on time. We believe we are on schedule, but we don’t need any delays.

View from a nearby hill

Classrooms are on the right and the left. The center will serve as a cafeteria and an open auditorium. Restrooms and a kitchen are in the back.

View from the side. Front entrance is on the right.

View from the back of the school

In less than a month, children like these little ones at our other elementary school in Galette Chambon will be walking through the doors to our new school where they will learn to read and write and do math. They won’t have to spend a lifetime steeped in illiterate ignorance with no chance for a better life. They’ll be loved. They’ll learn of God’s grace. And they’ll have a chance!
Malnutrition Center
When I arrived in Haiti last Monday, we had three children at the Malnutrition Center. By Wednesday, we had ten! This incredible ministry is making a life-saving difference in the lives of so many malnourished children. Jesus loves the little children, and so do we!

Thanks to the funds that were raised at the Malnutrition Center “Food for Life” fundraising event in May, we are finally getting hot water at the Malnutrition Center. This is a really big deal! Also, in October a group of Georgia Tech professors, students, and alumni will be installing a solar power electrical system to give us power during the daylight hours. Within a year, we hope to have solar power 24 hours a day like we have in the village of Thoman.

Our mission teams make such a big difference when they come to Haiti. These two gentlemen are from Great Bridge Baptist Church in Chesapeake, Virginia. Here they are at the Malnutrition Center. Two weeks ago they built beautiful screen doors, hung curtains, hung white boards, fixed a toilet, fixed cabinet hinges, and, in the photo above, put screens on the windows.
Houses Galore!

This house was recently built in Thoman by Central United Methodist Church of Meridian, MS. Way to go, CUMC!

Last week we went to the miserable shack of a dear family in Galette Chambon. Why are Abby Winstead and I smiling in front of such terrible conditions? Because we know that very soon this family will get a brand new house thanks to the generosity of a wonderful Christian couple in Madison, MS.

Can you even imagine living in theses conditions?

One more view of this awful situation.
But it won’t be awful for long!
Mississippi Delta

Jonestown residents Cassie and Cordaryl are busy at work, thanks to an opportunity provided by Capital Bolt and Screw Company based in Ridgeland, MS. It’s so exciting to see new jobs created in this community!

These precious children were participating in our summer Performing Arts Camp hosted by the Judah Performing Arts School of Ridgeland, MS.

More of God’s love shared with more children at the Hope Center in Jonetown, MS this summer. Thank you Judah Performing Arts School for investing in our community!

Summer fun hosted by Colonial Heights Baptist Church

The guys of Jonestown getting in on the summer fun. Thank you Colonial Heights for coming to the Delta and ministering in the community.

We love it when children are able to come on mission trips. These kids from Silverdale Baptist Church of Chattanooga, TN did a super job this summer!

This is our awesome summer staff at BGM in the Delta. They did a terrific job this summer. Here, they are celebrating the end of the summer with a meal at Proud Larry’s in Oxford.
How to Participate
As you can see, God is using But God Ministries in marvelous ways. Also, as you are aware, it takes a great deal of resources to do what God has called us to do. Would you please consider financially supporting BGM and our work in Haiti and the Miss. Delta?
You can join the Circle of Hope HERE. Or, you can give a general gift online HERE or send a check to: But God Ministries, 404 Fontaine Place, Suite 104, Ridgeland, MS, 39157.
In addition, I ask for your prayers for wisdom and energy for our Haitian staff, our Delta staff, our American staff in Haiti and the U.S., and our Board of Directors.