Unrest in Haiti…
Many people have asked us about the unrest currently taking place in Haiti and how that unrest impacts our teams and their mission trips to Haiti. Already this year we have hosted 16 teams and have had no problems whatsoever. This last Sunday, a protest/demonstration took place in Port-au-Prince, and that protest has continued into this week.
The safety of our teams is a top priority. We will always err on the side of caution. We reserve the right to cancel a trip even if the team is in the airport in Atlanta or Miami and about to fly to Haiti.
As of today, we have cancelled trips that were planned for next week. We will then look at each trip one week in advance to determine whether we would allow a team to travel to Haiti. If the situation in Haiti is anything remotely as it is today, we will immediately cancel the trip. Obviously, a team can cancel its trip at any time. We have decided to make that determination a week before the trip because that still gives plenty of time to cancel the trip. Of course, the day will come when it is safe to return to Haiti, but at this point in time we do not know when that will be. Thus, we make the determination each week.
Process for Sending Teams
Our decision process regarding the sending of teams includes:
(1) Up-to-date information from our Haitian employees in, or near, PAP
(2) Up-to-date information from our American missionaries in Haiti
(3) Finding out if roads are blocked in, or around, Port-au-Prince
(4) Finding out if schools are open
(5) Finding out if markets are open
(6) Finding out if there are any other reports via Twitter, Facebook, and any other social media regarding unrest
Again, the safety of our teams is the number one concern. We will always err on the side of caution.
As you can imagine, when we are forced to cancel teams we lose a significant portion of our income. That’s why the Circle of Hope is so important.
The Circle of Hope consists of those who give $100 per month. In exchange, members receive a beautiful coffee table book, a nice dinner later this year, and information on the latest happenings with BGM.
We started the Circle of Hope in February with only 8 members. We now have 93 members. Our goal is to have 200 members in the Circle of Hope. We’re almost halfway there!
As I have often said, as long as BGM remains healthy, more gospel presentations will be made, more Bible studies will be held, more patients will be treated, more clean water will be made available, more children will be educated, more houses will be built, more jobs will be created, and more food will be accessible. As we remain healthy, the love of Christ will continue to be shared daily as we focus on building sustainable communities.
You can join the Circle of Hope in several ways:
Click HERE to register online to give monthly. (Be sure and check the box that says, “MAKE THIS GIFT RECURRING.” You will be directed to the next steps.)
You can mail a check each month to:
But God Ministries
404 Fontaine Place
Suite 104
Ridgeland, MS 39157
If you join through the mail, please let us know that you are joining the Circle of Hope.
Progress on the new school
Last month, I announced that we are building a new elementary school in Galette Chambon. I am thrilled to report that work is underway, and we are already making wonderful progress so we can be ready when school starts in September.
Not only have we made wonderful construction progress, we have also made great financial progress. Last month I shared that we had donations and commitments totaling $55,250 towards the cost of $72,400. Today, we have donations and commitments totaling $70,950 towards the cost of $77,400. We added a couple of items that increased the cost. We are only $6,450 away from fully funding the entire cost of the school. How exciting! Praise God!

Can’t wait for it to be completed! The structures on the far right and far left will be added later.

Footings being prepared for the new school

Team members helping build the new school
Amazing Work Lately
God has blessed us this year with some amazing teams and some amazing work that has been done. I’ve really been blown away by the sheer volume of work that has taken place through our teams.
For example, we currently have 17 houses on the books for construction in Haiti, and 10 of them have already been built. That’s 10 families who are no longer living in squalid conditions, in a mud hut with a leaking roof, with no hope for the future. Praise God for these incredible blessings!

Here is a house being built this week in Galette Chambon, Haiti. Thank you Hilldale Baptist Church of Clarksville, TN for sending the funds to build this house even though your trip was cancelled.

Here is the family getting the house being built by Hilldale Baptist Church. They are standing in front of the mud house in which they currently live.

This was a banquet that was the culmination of a Teen Conference in Galette Chambon put on by the team from Palmetto Baptist Church in Georgia.

Inside the new computer lab at the school in Thoman. The Hands and Feet of Natchez team raised $20,000 to build the room, furnish the room, and make it solar powered. Our friends from Georgia Tech installed the solar equipment. It’s a miracle to have this facility in Thoman!

I love the Tree of Hands that was completed with the hand prints of some of the school children in Thoman.

Brian Ball (red shirt) and some of the men from FBC Brandon, MS led a Men’s Bible Study each day in Thoman.

The FBC Brandon team also participated in the baptism of 12 new believers at the river near Thoman.

A new classroom at our school in the remote village of Mathias has been completed. We are ready to add another grade in September!

Two weeks ago we conducted a food distribution in Thoman consisting of rice, beans, and oil. 85 families living in extreme poverty were greatly blessed.
Malnutrition Center
Rachel Charpie, the Director of our Malnutrition Center in Haiti, recently shared that we have now treated over 100 malnourished children at our Inpatient Clinic. These little ones have stayed an average of 7 weeks and received round-the-clock care from our nurses, nannies, and doctors who check on them regularly. This is truly a life-saving ministry!

Meet our newest full-time nurse at the Malnutrition Center: Jaimie Weber. Jaimie was born in Haiti but while still an infant was adopted by a Canadian missionary couple. She grew up in Canada, became a nurse, and has now returned to Haiti to serve alongside Rachel.

This precious little girl was one of two children admitted to the Malnutrition Center last week.
Incredible Summer in the Delta
We are having lots of teams and lots of excitement in the Delta this summer. As you can see below, we really stress “being” over “doing” in the Delta. We want our team members to invest in the community, get to know people, and make relationships. And they’re doing just that!

We have a three week summer camp for kids each year in Jonestown, MS. This was Rally Time kicking off Day 4 of the first week.

These girls were having a great time at camp.

If it’s camp, you’ve got to have Arts & Crafts!

Every Tuesday night during the summer we have Fellowship Night at the Hope Center. It’s potluck and some of the local residents bring a dish and meet the team members. Later during the week some of the team members go to the homes of the local residents to pray with them and encourage them.
How to Help
As you can see, God is using But God Ministries in marvelous ways. Also, as you are aware, it takes a great deal of resources to do what God has called us to do. Would you please consider financially supporting BGM and our work in Haiti and the Miss. Delta?
You can join the Circle of Hope as explained above. Or, you can give a general gift online Click HERE or send a check to: But God Ministries, 404 Fontaine Place, Suite 104, Ridgeland, MS, 39157.
In addition, I ask for your prayers for wisdom and energy for our Haitian staff, our Delta staff, our American staff in Haiti and the U.S., and our Board of Directors.