Immeasurably More…
God blessed immeasurably more than we could ask or imagine with the Food for Life – Malnutrition Center fundraising event on May 2. As of today, we have received $169,721 towards our goal of $127,000. With expenses at only $9,810, that leaves us with $159,911 for the Malnutrition Center. All of that amount will go towards the budget of the Malnutrition Center. We praise God and thank all of those who participated in our first annual event for starving children in Haiti.

Over 300 people attended the event

The online auction was a big hit as we raised over $31,000 on 156 donated items.

Pastor Mathurin came from Haiti to share about the challenges of malnutrition for the children of his country.

Rachel Charpie, our Malnutrition Center Director, shared beautifully about the incredible work that takes place every day as we share hope, nutrition, and the love of Christ.

A great time was had by all!

The tap-tap photo booth was a big hit.
Amazing Medical Care
We continue to see thousands of patients at our two medical clinics in Haiti. Last week, we had a great team from Broadmoor Baptist Church that is led each year by Dr. Mike McMullan and his wife, Missy.

Dr. McMullan (r) took Tony West, our Nurse Practitioner and Medical Director in Haiti, a portable sonogram machine. This device is another great leap forward in our ability to provide quality healthcare in Galette Cambon.

This Haitian lady’s name is Marianie. Her body has been collecting fluid as her organs progressively shut down because of the cancer in her body. The pain is intense as her body expands and her skin tightens under the strain of the swelling. On the day of this photo last week, missionary Tony West, Dr. McMullan, and Avery Layne Lyon (the American nurse pictured above) went to visit Marianie and relieve some of her pain by draining some of the fluid. They used the new sonogram device to pinpoint the best location, and then they performed the procedure right there in her house! The relief was immediate, and she was so very grateful. We are grateful too as God continuously provides what we need when we need it! What a blessing this is and will continue to be for so many!!
Big News!
I am thrilled to announce that we are building a new elementary school in Galette Chambon on our property. We will still have sponsored children at the school that has been known as “Salomon’s school.” Starting in September, we will also have our own elementary school near the soccer field. Our missionary, Mickie West, has done an amazing job giving vision and leadership to this project.
Already we have donations and commitments totaling $55,250. The total cost for the new school is $72,400 and includes seven classrooms, restrooms, a kitchen and storage building, administration offices, a septic system, and plumbing for future buildings. We look forward to seeing how God will use this school for years to come to positively impact the lives of countless children.

A 3-D drawing of the new school. The structures on the far left and far right will be added later.
Solar Power for the New Computer Lab
Jason Russell and his family lead a group of folks from my hometown of Natchez, MS called Hands and Feet Natchez. They had the idea of building a computer lab for Pastor Mathurin’s school in Thoman, Haiti. They raised the funds, and we built the school last week.
Of course, the computers will need electricity, so we once again partnered with Frank Lambert and our friends from Georgia Tech. They figured out what was needed to have solar power, Hands and Feet raised the funds, and the Tech team installed the solar power system last week!

Frank Lambert, electrical engineering professor at Georgia Tech, standing with a Haitian student in front of the new computer lab that was under construction last week at the school in Thoman.

Surrounded by students while lifting one of the solar panels to the roof of the computer lab

All the solar panels in place on the roof of the computer lab

Professor Frank Lambert and recent Georgia Tech graduate Jake Smith on the right. Georgia Tech graduate Angela Nguyen and Haitian trainee Pierre Jonas on the left. Jake spearheaded
the entire project.

In addition to providing solar power to the new computer lab, the Tech team also provided a solar powered electrical system to the house pictured above in Thoman. This system is called RELAY
by the Georgia Tech team.
As Tech gradate Jake Smith has written, “the RELAY is a low cost, portable, and easy-to-use, solar powered unit which was completely designed by students at Georgia Tech. This system allows for a reliable means of cell phone charging and lighting for homes. The team is working to help form and support various Haitian owned businesses throughout the country via the sale of this device.
Currently, there are RELAYs in homes in Thoman, Cap-Haitian, Port-Au-Prince, and Fond Parisien. We are working hard to continue the expansion of the RELAY into many more homes in the future. For more information on the Haiti RELAY and the mission behind this device, please visit our website at”

Jake explained that the Tech team led “the installation of the second solar sewing machine that we have in Haiti! This machine went into the home of Julene, a woman living with her family in the mountains of Thoman, Haiti. She will begin making feminine pads and reusable diapers for Thoman to help support her family.
“During the solar install, Julene was trained on how to sew by Lodani, the owner of the first solar sewing machine which was installed last October in Galette Chambon. Since October, Lodani has grown a very successful business named ‘All Things New’ and we could not be happier for the work she is doing in her community!”
Mississippi Delta
God continues to bless tremendously in our work in the Delta. Our missionary and community manager, Kelly Sayle, is doing a great job giving leadership to our efforts there.

Montessori Family Fun Day was a great success a couple of weeks ago. Pictured above are our wonderful teachers.

We want to give a big “thank you” to First Baptist Madison, MS, who came up to help with Family Fun Day.

Several weeks ago a team of 5th and 6th graders from Colonial Heights Baptist Church in Ridgeland, MS spent the weekend with us in Jonestown. They did a great job helping spruce up our
Montessori School.

The Colonial Heights kids worked hard at the playground
of the Montessori School.

Those 5th and 6th graders even went inside the Montessori School and prayed for the children and the teachers.
How to Help
As you can see, God is using But God Ministries in marvelous ways. Also, as you are aware, it takes a great deal of resources to do what God has called us to do. Would you please consider financially supporting BGM and our work in Haiti and the Miss. Delta?
One of the best ways to give is through joining our Circle of Hope. The Circle of Hope consists of those who give $100 per month. In exchange, you received a beautiful coffee table book, a nice dinner later this year, and information on the latest happenings with BGM.
You can join the Circle of Hope in several ways:
Click HERE to register online to give monthly. (Be sure and check the box that says, “MAKE THIS GIFT RECURRING.” You will be directed to the next steps.)
You can mail a check each month to:
But God Ministries
404 Fontaine Place
Suite 104
Ridgeland, MS 39157
If you join through the mail, please let us know that you are joining the Circle of Hope.
In addition, I ask for your prayers for wisdom and energy for our Haitian staff, our Delta staff, our American staff in Haiti and the U.S., and our Board of Directors.
Can’t Wait To See What God Does Next,
Stan Buckley
Executive Director