New Missionaries in the Miss. Delta…
After many months of prayer and searching, the Lord has provided a missionary couple to fill our Team Coordinator position in the Mississippi Delta.
We are pleased to welcome Dennis and Veronica Hicks to our full-time BGM staff. Dennis and Veronica are both Mississippi natives who lived in Meridian most of their lives until several years ago. They are members of Pinelake Church and have moved to Coahoma County from Brandon, MS.
Dennis will be our lead Coordinator and will be a huge addition to us as he has many years of work in logistics and maintenance in different organizations such as the MS Air National Guard (28 years), MS Emergency Management Agency, and Builders for Christ. Please pray for Dennis and Veronica as they are getting settled in to their new position of hosting all the mission teams who come to Jonestown in the Miss. Delta.

Dennis and Veronica Hicks
More Big News in the Delta
We are very excited about the opening of a Legal Clinic in Jonestown, MS. This new clinic is the result of a partnership with But God Ministries, the University of Mississippi School of Law, and the McLean Institute for Public Service and Community Engagement (also at Ole Miss). Several weeks ago we started seeing our first clients.
The new legal clinic is helping with issues such as disputes with the IRS, landlord tenant issues, title problems with inherited property, local taxation issues, and legal services for self-employed people or small businesses. Other areas of practice may be added over time.
Desiree Hensley, Associate Professor at the law school, Dr. Albert Nylander and Dr. J.R. Love of the McLean Institute, and Rusty Hall of BGM have worked very hard to make this dream become a reality.
The legal clinic is taking place at our new Life Center in Jonestown where we will be offering other services such as financial planning, GED preparation, and Christian counseling through The Net.

The Life Center building in Jonestown with the first coat of new paint
Teams, Teams, and More Teams in the Delta
In addition to the opening of the legal clinic, we have begun hosting teams in the Delta in our new Hope Center.

Monthly women’s Bible study with residents from Jonestown, MS and ladies from Broadmoor Baptist Church in Madison, MS

The team from Sallis Baptist Church near Kosciusko, MS hosted a baby shower for one of the Jonestown moms who is expecting.

A group of professors and students from the Auburn University School of Architecture spent a weekend recently with us in Jonestown. They’re looking at ways to reconfigure the medical clinic and other buildings.

The team from First Baptist Madison, MS. This team helped
paint and prepare our new Life Center as well as the Jonestown Family Center.

Our largest team to date was a team of 30 from the Petal-Harvey Baptist Church in Petal, MS. Above are a few of the teens who were on the trip. Among other things, they helped clean and repair a church, handed out flyers for a Bible study, and worshiped at a local church this past Sunday.
Saving Lives
Our Inpatient Malnutrition Center in Haiti, called Pen Lavi (Bread of Life), continues to be used by God to save the lives of starving little children.

One of our missionaries, Mickie West, said it best about this precious little boy: ” Isaiah 43:19 says, ‘Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; do you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.’ Last month God did a new thing in the life of Micklerson. He provided a way in his time of wilderness and he provided a river of life in his desert. God provided Pen Lavi (Bread of Life) to help him find his way back to good health. Just look at that sweet smile in contrast to his eyes of fear and sadness when he first arrived!! That is one beautiful MIRACLE!! Praise God for the mighty works He is doing through Pen Lavi Malnutrition Center!! Thank you Katie Ethridge and Rachel Charpie for answering His call to love the least of these.

One of our missionaries, Katie Ethridge, holding little Micklerson as he relishes the love and nutrition he has experienced at our Malnutrition Center.
Beautiful Ministry in Thoman, Haiti
We’ve already had some amazing teams this year in Thoman, Haiti. Laura Rader, our missionary in Thoman, recently stated:
The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. — Luke 10:2.
Yesterday, the neighborhood children led us on our walk to seek prayer needs. They took us to a grieving daughter, a new mama and her sixth baby, an elderly Grandma and a family who is anxiously waiting the birth of their baby.
They know. They’re little kids and they know. Do you know? If visitors came to your house this morning and asked about your neighbors who need prayer, do you know?
I should. I want to. I need to. Be more like them.

A little girl who was part of a team from First Baptist Church of Shenandoah, Iowa, and her new Haitian friend.

Bible story time in Thoman with the local children and the
team from Iowa!
Amazing Work in Galette Chambon, Haiti
We’ve had some outstanding teams already this year in Galette Chambon. This week, McLaurin Heights Baptist Church from Pearl, MS has a strong team of 24, including a dentist, doctor, nurse, dental assistant, four teachers, and a pastor.

Dr. Brad Hayes of McLaurin Heights treating a patient this week in Galette Chambon

Pastor Connor Alford of McLaurin Heights leading VBS
this week in Galette Chambon
As you can see, God is using But God Ministries in marvelous ways. Also, as you are aware, it takes a great deal of resources to do what God has called us to do. Would you please consider financially supporting BGM and our work in Haiti and the Miss. Delta? Your gift will go a long way in helping us share the love of Christ in very tangible ways in these challenging places.
You can give online HERE or send a check to: But God Ministries, 400 Fontaine Place, Suite 103, Ridgeland, MS, 39157.
In addition, I ask for your prayers for wisdom and energy for our Haitian staff, our American staff in Haiti and the U.S., and our Board of Directors.
Can’t Wait To See What God Does Next,
Stan Buckley
Executive Director