Thank you. Many of our BGM supporters are aware that my dad passed away last week. He was a minister of the gospel for almost 60 years and he loved and supported BGM. So many of you have prayed for my family and me during this challenging time and I want you to know much your support and encouragement have meant.
Great start to a new year
We have completed three months in 2017 and it’s already been a great year of ministry. In Haiti, we’ve hosted 15 mission teams, built 4 houses, treated thousands of patients, shared the gospel, and displayed the love of Christ to many.

Haitians and Americans working together in Thoman to make tables and benches for families who have no furniture

This little fellow was having a big time at VBS in Thoman!

Praying as a house was about to be built in Thoman

Dr. Li, an engineering professor at Jackson State University, standing with translator Yvens, after preaching in one of the worship services in Thoman.

These precious children in Galette Chambon recently received their uniforms for school. They were so excited!

Medical intern, Kaite, an RN from Birmingham, holding a newborn baby in Galette Chambon. Katie has been serving with BGM in Haiti since January.

Pipes being laid for irrigation in Galette Chambon on
50 acres of farmland. This is a game-changer!

The sewing business at the new Business Center in Galette Chambon has really taken off as three Haitians are making a living making school uniforms and other items.
Bread of Life Malnutrition Center
We are almost ready to accept the first child at our new Malnutrition Center. Rachel Charpie, our Director, has been working tirelessly to hire the new employees and get the facility ready to host our first patients. We are able to house 15 patients at a time, most of whom will be between the ages of 6 months and 7 years.

Recent dedication ceremony for the new Malnutrition Center

One of the new rooms at the Malnutrition Center

Rachel with the new Malnutrition Center Staff: 4 nurses, 4 nannies, 2 cooks, laundry person, driver/translator, groundskeeper, 2 nurses to fill-in when needed. This group received full-time jobs that pay monthly.That is a REALLY BIG DEAL in Haiti!
Changed Lives
Fenol was married and had 4 children. They lived in the mountains of Haiti until Fenol’s wife became sick. Sadly, his wife died and his two youngest children become very ill as a result of malnutrition. Then Fenol met Lovely, who has 2 children, one of whom was sick from malnutrition. Fenol and Lovely developed a relationship and had a child of their own. They had been renting a horrible mud hut and living in deplorable conditions.
Fenol is a hard worker and desperately wanted a job. He was recently hired as the full-time gardner/groundskeeper at the Malnutrition Center. In addition, he and Lovely and all six of their children have moved into a brand new house built by BGM. They wanted to get married some time ago but, as is common in Haiti, did not think they could get married because they could not afford to. We told them we could not provide a huge Haitian wedding but we could help with a suit for Fenol and a dress for Lovely. They jumped at the chance. This Sunday they’re getting married. Everything has changed for Fenol, Lovely, and their children. God has brought marriage, love, hope, a job, and a future.

Hard-working Fenol
Making progress in the Delta
I am thrilled to report we have finally acquired land to build a new Hope Center in Jonestown, MS. The Hope Center, like the two we have in Haiti, will be the center of operations for BGM in Jonestown. This 6,000 square foot building will have dorm space for 40 people, a large meeting area, a kitchen, office, conference room, and one bedroom. We should have the official groundbreaking in a few weeks and then begin construction.

Location of the new Hope Center in Jonestown, MS
Job opening with BGM in Miss. Delta
We are seeking to fill the position of Team Manager for our work in Jonestown, Mississippi. We are looking for a Christian male with a strong, mature faith in the Lord
The Team Manager will work with, and under the supervision of, our Community Manager (Kelly Sayle).
The Team Manager will:
• Host all of our mission teams in Jonestown (During the summer months, teams will stay from Saturday to Friday. During other months, teams will stay either Monday-Friday, or Friday-Sunday.)
• Greet each team as it arrives
• Ensure that the custodian for the Hope Center, where the teams will stay, has cleaned and prepared the Hope Center for the next team
• Coordinate the activities of the team for the week (construction, education, Bible studies, medical/dental, working with children, etc.)
• Ensure that local people who will be involved in the team activities are prepared and ready to work with the team
• Ensure that all materials needed by the team to conduct its activities have been procured and are on-site
• Be handy in terms of repair and light construction
There will also be other duties as assigned. We are looking for a hard worker, a team player, and someone who has a heart for this type of work. There will be long hours but very rewarding hours as we see a community transformed.
If you or anyone you know is interested in this position, please send an email to
As you can see, God is using But God Ministries in marvelous ways. Also, as you are aware, it takes a great deal of resources to do what God has called us to do. Would you please consider financially supporting BGM and our work in Haiti? Your gift will go a long way in helping us share the love of Christ in very tangible ways in that poverty-stricken nation.
You can give online HERE or send a check to: But God Ministries, 400 Fontaine Place, Suite 103, Ridgeland, MS, 39157.
In addition, I ask for your prayers for wisdom and energy for our Haitian staff, our American staff in Haiti, our staff in the States, and our Board of Directors.
Can’t Wait To See What God Does Next,
Stan Buckley
Executive Director
But God Ministries