God has blessed BGM with a great Board of Directors. They provide encouragement, oversight, and accountability for our work. A few weeks ago, 6 of our 8 board members were able to spend a few days in Haiti together.
Great Board

Board members Lee Cope, Mark Rich, Buddy Huff, Stan Buckley, Barbara Gladney, and Rick Adams in Thoman, Haiti, along with a few Haitian friends. Two other important board members, Billy Van Devender and John Lewis, were unable to make the trip due to scheduling conficts.

Rick Adams found a little friend who came up to him and started holding his hand while we were walking in Thoman.

Dr. Lee Cope sharing the hope of the gospel with a lady whose 5 year old son had recently died. She was selling baskets to earn $100 to buy a casket. Our board members bought enough baskets for her to purchase the casket and give her son a proper burial.

The Board meeting and planning at the Hope Center in Thoman

The children were drawn to Rick on this trip. Here he is with Jocelyn at our orphanage in Galette Chambon.
New Business Center
The new Business Center is nearing completion in Galette Chambon. It sits between the Hope Center and the orphanage. All we lack is the roof and a few other items and it will be ready to use. This building will be used for all things related to business and economic development. Haitians will be trained by the University of Alabama School of Business to start new businesses. In addition, existing businesses such as those who sew uniforms for area schools will be able to do their work here.

Close to completion
Time for School
School starts next week in Haiti. We are thrilled that many teams worked this summer on the three schools where we sponsor children. Currently, we are sponsoring 562 children and feeding almost 900 daily. If you have not yet sponsored a child, you can do so for $37 per month HERE.

Galette Chambon – Before

Galette Chambon – After

Pastor Johel’s school freshly painted

New classroom in Thoman. Waiting to be painted
In-Patient Nutrition Center
Due to extreme poverty and a two year drought, we have seen large numbers of malnourished children at our two medical clinics. Last September we began an Out-Patient Nutrition Program at our medical clinic in Galette Chambon and we’ve seen over 100 patients since then. In addition, we’ve sent over 20 patients to an In-Patient Nutrition Center 2-3 hours from Galette Chambon.Now, Rachel Charpie is leading us to open our own In-Patient Nutrition Center where little children between the ages of 6 months and 6 years will be able to stay 7 weeks and receive the nutritional care they need. Round-the-clock medical care with Haitian nurses and others will be part of this work. We will be able to treat 15 children at a time and 105 during the year. This will be a major operation with 15 Haitians being employed including nurses, cooks, laundry lady, security guard, and others.The cost for this endeavor is substantial at $125,000 for the first year. However, God has blessed us with gifts of $102,500 over the last few weeks. Please join us in praying for the remaining $22,500 so that lives will be saved. We really believe Jesus was serious when he said, “I was hungry and you gave me something to eat.”Below are “Before and After” photos of children who have been in our Out-Patient Nutrition Program as well as photos of the new facility where we will have our In-Patient Nutrition Center.

Before and After

Before and After

Before and After

Wonderful house (4 bedroom, 2 bath, dining area, kitchen) to be used for In-Patient Nutrition Program

Three bedroom house behind the main house where our In-Patient Missionary Director can live
Mississippi Delta
We are excited to announce the hiring of our full-time Community Manager for our Mississippi Delta project. Kelly Sayle grew up in Greenville, MS, graduated from Delta State University, and then graduated from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth, TX. She has served in three churches, most recently at 4,000 member Silverdale Baptist Church in Chattanooga, TN. This past Sunday was her last Sunday at Silverdale and she is moving to Clarksdale, MS this week. She will be only 12 miles from Jonestown, MS where we will begin our work in the Mississippi Delta.

Kelly Sayle
I had the opportunity to preach at St. Luke Baptist Church in Jonestown, MS two Sundays ago. It was a glorious time as we worshiped together, made new friendships, and had a great time in the Lord.

Beautiful new sanctuary at St. Luke Baptist Church

Preaching the Word!

Wonderful time of prayer during the service
Missionary Opportunity
We are looking for a husband and wife missionary couple (with no children or grown children) to live full-time at our orphanage in Galette Chambon beginning January 2017. This couple will provide leadership and management to our orphanage and its 15 children and numerous employees. If you or someone you know is interested, please email me at stanbuckley@butgodministries.com
And finally . . .
As you can see, God is using But God Ministries in marvelous ways. Also, as you are aware, it takes a great deal of resources to do what God has called us to do. Would you please consider financially supporting BGM and our work in Haiti? Your gift will go a long way in helping us share the love of Christ in very tangible ways in that poverty-stricken nation. You can give online HERE or send a check to: But God Ministries, 400 Fontaine Place, Suite 103, Ridgeland, MS, 39157 In addition, I ask for your prayers for wisdom and energy for our Haitian staff, our American staff in Haiti, our staff in the States, and our Board of Directors.
Can’t Wait To See What God Does Next,
Stan Buckley
Executive Director
But God Ministries