OCTOBER 23, 2012
The location where we have built the first 20 houses is called the Hill. Twelve families have moved to the Hill from a tent city and life has dramatically improved for these families. I was in Haiti the first of this month and saw some wonderful developments:

Dale Kennon of FBC Jackson, MS on the steps of one of the houses on the Hill.
The people have done a great job with their landscaping.

Last month, I shared with you how the families have been growing gardens.
These gardens are continuing to develop. I am standing with Gina
in front of her family’s garden.

Another resident on the hill in front of his garden.

Two happy little girls grabbed me and gave me a friendly hug
while I was walking on the Hill.
While there a few weeks ago, a mission team from Jackson, MS held our first Ladies Conference for the women living on the hill. They also held a VBS for the children on the Hill as well as Family Night for all who wanted to come.

Pictured are some of the ladies on the first day of the Bible Study.
Since we were operating on “Haitian time,” only about half the
ladies had shown up when it was scheduled to start! Before the
week was over, about 8 of the ladies professed faith in Christ!!

After the Bible Study, the ladies did a craft. Each one made a
beautifu purse. They loved those purses!

Lots of children at the afternoon VBS

VBS was too much for this little fella!

Family night was a great time of fun and laughter. As I watched,
I thought how much better this was than just a few weeks earlier
when these people were living in the filth and heat and
hopelessness of the tent city.

Paddle ball and other games were enjoyed by all during Family Night.
Looking on is Lillian Brown of Madison, MS. She planned and led
the Ladies Bible Study, the VBS, and Family Night
The last night we were there a few weeks ago, the ladies from the Hill all walked down to The Hope Center. They knew we were leaving the next morning. They told us they wanted to pray for us! I couldn’t believe it. We pray for them. We try to bless them. And now, they were wanting to pray for us.
They formed a circle and invited us into the circle. Then, before praying for us, they began to sing. I still don’t speak Creole, but I immediately recognized the tune. They were singing that old hymn, “He hideth my soul in the cleft off the rock.” Then they prayed for us. They thanked God for our work and asked Him to provide us wisdom, strength, and protection. Overwhelming joy is the only way I can describe how it felt to be prayed for by these ladies. What a blessing!
Scholarships, School, and Supplies
We ended up with scholarships and supplies for over 200 children. I went to Port-au-Prince with one of the leaders of the school to purchase paper, pens, pencils, and workbooks for many of the children.

Salomon and me holding samples of some of the supplies we
bought for the school children

Salomon and me standing in front of a chalkboard at the school.
Notice the old wooden benches, the dirt floor, and the tin roof.
Not exactly an ideal learning setting. They have poured the footings
for a new school but do not have the funds to complete it.
We hope that one day we may be able to help them complete it.
The Joy of a Job
Mickie West, the wife of our on-site, American nurse, sent me the following email two weeks ago. My heart was greatly encouraged:
“Stan, Mackil (one of the men on the Hill) pulled me aside and said that he is very concerned about finding a job. He explained to me that he is a very hard worker and loves to work and wants to work, but he doesn’t know how or where to find a job since he is not from that area. This touched my heart deeply. I told him that I would pray for God to provide work for him.
“That evening, I was talking to Doug (of the Pensacola team) and I told him about the conversation I had with Mackil. The next morning, Doug came to me and said he wanted to hire Mackil and two other men from the Hill to work at the orphanage while he is here. We went up on the hill to get Mackil and he was sitting on his porch having his breakfast. We introduced him to Doug and told him that Doug wanted him to work for him at the orphanage for a couple of weeks.
“Stan, that whole family began to rejoice. His wife, Emmanuella, began to cry and praise God with her face against the wall of their house. It was a very joyful sight. Then I said, ‘Okay, well, let’s get ready to get to work!’ and Emmanuella went into the house and got his work shoes and ball cap, he quickly drank the rest of his coffee, and called over to two of the other men to come work with him. He was rushing around with such excitement!! Tears began to spill down my face as I watched the urgent activity going on around his house as the entire family helped him get ready for work. Oh my, how exciting it was. Doug says Mackil is a very hard worker and he works without complaining. Of course, I wasn’t surprised about that.”
If you have a job, thank God for it and please pray that all the Haitians in and near our community will get jobs.
Orphanage Update
0The two churches from Pensacola who are building the orphanage have spent the last two weeks finishing some of the outside of the four buildings as well as working on the inside.

The kitchen in the new
Medical Care
Through Tony West and visiting medical teams, we continue to provide ongoing medical care. Not only are we hosting clinics at The Hope Center, but one day a week we are taking the clinic to more remote locations where people rarely get medical care.
Two weeks ago we had two pediatricians, two pediatric nurses, and a Physician’s Assistant hosting a clinic. Last week we had several nurses helping with a clinic. Next week we will have two Emergency Room doctors hosting a clinic. All three of these groups are from Pensacola, FL.

The little girl is Abigalle. She is being held by Kirsten who is
a member of the Pensacola medical team. Abigalle is a 4 year
old that came in with horrible wheezing and fast breathing.
She had been sick for a week. Our medical team gave her
3 nebulizer treatments, steroids, and antibiotics on Tuesday and
asked her to come back on Friday. She came back and was
doing much, much better!

One of the Pensacola medical teams preparing to go on their
first mobile clinic to the mountain village of Thoman
Update on Matching Gift
We are well on our way to reaching the $50,000 goal for the matching gift from the Christian businessman. As of last weekend, we had received $41,890 (not counting some designated gifts such as school scholarships). That leaves us $8,110 to go between now and the end of this month (8 days).
And Finally
Our work and ministry continue to grow and expand. Many new things are on the horizon. Countless people will be blessed as we go about making a difference in a thoughtful, systematic way. Our sustainable community is developing right before our eyes.
However, it takes resources to do this kind of work. Last month, I announced that we have a feature on our website that allows someone to automatically give each month. All you have to do is sign up one time. Just click here to give each month ($25, $50, $100, $200, or any amount you choose) or to give a one-time contribution. You can also mail your gift to: But God Ministries, 1440 North State Street, Jackson, MS, 39202.
Can’t Wait To See What God Does Next,
Stan Buckley
Executive Director
But God Ministries
The location where we have built the first 20 houses is called the Hill. Twelve families have moved to the Hill from a tent city and life has dramatically improved for these families. I was in Haiti the first of this month and saw some wonderful developments:

Dale Kennon of FBC Jackson, MS on the steps of one of the houses on the Hill.
The people have done a great job with their landscaping.

Last month, I shared with you how the families have been growing gardens.
These gardens are continuing to develop. I am standing with Gina
in front of her family’s garden.

Another resident on the hill in front of his garden.

Two happy little girls grabbed me and gave me a friendly hug
while I was walking on the Hill.
While there a few weeks ago, a mission team from Jackson, MS held our first Ladies Conference for the women living on the hill. They also held a VBS for the children on the Hill as well as Family Night for all who wanted to come.

Pictured are some of the ladies on the first day of the Bible Study.
Since we were operating on “Haitian time,” only about half the
ladies had shown up when it was scheduled to start! Before the
week was over, about 8 of the ladies professed faith in Christ!!

After the Bible Study, the ladies did a craft. Each one made a
beautifu purse. They loved those purses!

Lots of children at the afternoon VBS

VBS was too much for this little fella!

Family night was a great time of fun and laughter. As I watched,
I thought how much better this was than just a few weeks earlier
when these people were living in the filth and heat and
hopelessness of the tent city.

Looking on is Lillian Brown of Madison, MS. She planned and led
the Ladies Bible Study, the VBS, and Family Night
The last night we were there a few weeks ago, the ladies from the Hill all walked down to The Hope Center. They knew we were leaving the next morning. They told us they wanted to pray for us! I couldn’t believe it. We pray for them. We try to bless them. And now, they were wanting to pray for us.
They formed a circle and invited us into the circle. Then, before praying for us, they began to sing. I still don’t speak Creole, but I immediately recognized the tune. They were singing that old hymn, “He hideth my soul in the cleft off the rock.” Then they prayed for us. They thanked God for our work and asked Him to provide us wisdom, strength, and protection. Overwhelming joy is the only way I can describe how it felt to be prayed for by these ladies. What a blessing!
Scholarships, School, and Supplies
We ended up with scholarships and supplies for over 200 children. I went to Port-au-Prince with one of the leaders of the school to purchase paper, pens, pencils, and workbooks for many of the children.

Salomon and me holding samples of some of the supplies we
bought for the school children

Salomon and me standing in front of a chalkboard at the school.
Notice the old wooden benches, the dirt floor, and the tin roof.
Not exactly an ideal learning setting. They have poured the footings
for a new school but do not have the funds to complete it.
We hope that one day we may be able to help them complete it.
The Joy of a Job
Mickie West, the wife of our on-site, American nurse, sent me the following email two weeks ago. My heart was greatly encouraged:
“Stan, Mackil (one of the men on the Hill) pulled me aside and said that he is very concerned about finding a job. He explained to me that he is a very hard worker and loves to work and wants to work, but he doesn’t know how or where to find a job since he is not from that area. This touched my heart deeply. I told him that I would pray for God to provide work for him.
“That evening, I was talking to Doug (of the Pensacola team) and I told him about the conversation I had with Mackil. The next morning, Doug came to me and said he wanted to hire Mackil and two other men from the Hill to work at the orphanage while he is here. We went up on the hill to get Mackil and he was sitting on his porch having his breakfast. We introduced him to Doug and told him that Doug wanted him to work for him at the orphanage for a couple of weeks.
“Stan, that whole family began to rejoice. His wife, Emmanuella, began to cry and praise God with her face against the wall of their house. It was a very joyful sight. Then I said, ‘Okay, well, let’s get ready to get to work!’ and Emmanuella went into the house and got his work shoes and ball cap, he quickly drank the rest of his coffee, and called over to two of the other men to come work with him. He was rushing around with such excitement!! Tears began to spill down my face as I watched the urgent activity going on around his house as the entire family helped him get ready for work. Oh my, how exciting it was. Doug says Mackil is a very hard worker and he works without complaining. Of course, I wasn’t surprised about that.”
If you have a job, thank God for it and please pray that all the Haitians in and near our community will get jobs.
Orphanage Update
0The two churches from Pensacola who are building the orphanage have spent the last two weeks finishing some of the outside of the four buildings as well as working on the inside.

The kitchen in the new
Medical Care
Through Tony West and visiting medical teams, we continue to provide ongoing medical care. Not only are we hosting clinics at The Hope Center, but one day a week we are taking the clinic to more remote locations where people rarely get medical care.
Two weeks ago we had two pediatricians, two pediatric nurses, and a Physician’s Assistant hosting a clinic. Last week we had several nurses helping with a clinic. Next week we will have two Emergency Room doctors hosting a clinic. All three of these groups are from Pensacola, FL.

The little girl is Abigalle. She is being held by Kirsten who is
a member of the Pensacola medical team. Abigalle is a 4 year
old that came in with horrible wheezing and fast breathing.
She had been sick for a week. Our medical team gave her
3 nebulizer treatments, steroids, and antibiotics on Tuesday and
asked her to come back on Friday. She came back and was
doing much, much better!

One of the Pensacola medical teams preparing to go on their
first mobile clinic to the mountain village of Thoman
Update on Matching Gift
We are well on our way to reaching the $50,000 goal for the matching gift from the Christian businessman. As of last weekend, we had received $41,890 (not counting some designated gifts such as school scholarships). That leaves us $8,110 to go between now and the end of this month (8 days).
And Finally
Our work and ministry continue to grow and expand. Many new things are on the horizon. Countless people will be blessed as we go about making a difference in a thoughtful, systematic way. Our sustainable community is developing right before our eyes.
However, it takes resources to do this kind of work. Last month, I announced that we have a feature on our website that allows someone to automatically give each month. All you have to do is sign up one time. Just click here to give each month ($25, $50, $100, $200, or any amount you choose) or to give a one-time contribution. You can also mail your gift to: But God Ministries, 1440 North State Street, Jackson, MS, 39202.
Can’t Wait To See What God Does Next,
Stan Buckley
Executive Director
But God Ministries